!±8±Aquasana AQ-4105 Shower Filter System with Handheld Wand
Brand : AquasanaRate :

Price : $83.96
Post Date : Oct 27, 2011 19:15:18
Usually ships in 24 hours

The AQ 4105 Pure Shower System w/Massager wand feels just like showering in natural spring water! Installs in seconds! [Easy Install Video]Enjoy the convenience of an adjustable hand-held shower head with the same filtration capabilities of the standard Aquasana Shower Filter!The Aquasana shower filter with handheld massage wand uses patented filtration technology to remove chlorine and reduce synthetic chemicals and VOCs from your shower water and to balance pH, for the best shower experience possible. Chlorine, VOCs and SOCs remove natural oils from the skin and hair and can cause or aggravate asthma and other respiratory illnesses. The hand-held shower head has an adjustable swivel collar that allows for adapted water pressure to provide the most refreshing shower experience ever, and is also a convenient way to fill your bath tub or wash your baby with clean, filtered water. The Aquasana shower experience is as close as you can come to showering in natural spring water. Water the way mother nature intended ... healthy. The Aquasana system provides the healthiest, most refreshing shower experience you will ever have. We guarantee it!
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